150+ Cute Cat Names That Start With U

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If you are looking for perfect names for your cat that start with U, you’ve come to the right place.

Naming your cat is an important decision, as it will be a moniker they carry with them for their entire life.

Whether you’re looking for a unique and funny name or something more traditional, there is sure to be a name on this list that will suit your furry companion.

So, without further ado let’s dive into the list of 150+ cat names that start with “U” to find the ideal name for your new feline friend. Your cat will thank you for choosing a name as unique and special as they are!

Best Cat Names That Start With U

This list includes top-notch names like “Ulysses,” “Unity,” and “Umbra.”

  • Ulysses
  • Uma
  • Umberto
  • Unity
  • Uno
  • Ursula
  • Usher
  • Utah
  • Utopia
  • Umi
  • Ulrich
  • Ursa
  • Ulyana
  • Ulani
  • Uriel
  • Uvalde
  • Urie
  • Ursus
  • Ultraviolet
  • Umber
Cute Cat Names
Cute Cat Names That Start With U

Cute Cat Names That Start With U

  • Umi
  • Uggie
  • Ukulele
  • Upsy
  • Uffie
  • Ula
  • Ubbi
  • Umi
  • Unni
  • Usagi
  • Uzzle
  • Upton
  • Uncia
  • Unity
  • Upsy-Daisy
  • Uki
  • Ulva
  • Upsy
  • Urchin
  • Utopia

Male Cat Names That Start With U

  • Ulric
  • Upton
  • Uri
  • Ulysses
  • Ugo
  • Umberto
  • Uziel
  • Usher
  • Utah
  • Ulises
  • Umar
  • Uzi
  • Uriah
  • Ulf
  • Urban
  • Uther
  • Udo
  • Ulrick
  • Upton
  • Urial
female cat names
Female Cat Names That Start With U

Female Cat Names That Start With U

  • Uma
  • Ursula
  • Unity
  • Ula
  • Umi
  • Una
  • Ursa
  • Ulrika
  • Ursuline
  • Ulyana
  • Utopia
  • Uriel
  • Ulani
  • Umeko
  • Urvi
  • Usha
  • Unice
  • Uriana
  • Ulva
  • Uzma

Baby Cat Names That Start With U

  • Uffie
  • Upsy
  • Upton
  • Umi
  • Ula
  • Ubbi
  • Uzzle
  • Ukulele
  • Unni
  • Uggie
  • Usagi
  • Uncia
  • Unity
  • Upsy-Daisy
  • Uki
  • Ulva
  • Upsy
  • Urchin
  • Utopia
  • Ukiyo
Funny cat names
Funny Cat Names That Start With U

Funny Cat Names That Start With U

  • UFO
  • U-Turn
  • Underdog
  • Unicorn
  • Unix
  • Upside
  • Udon
  • Umami
  • Uno Momento
  • Uproar
  • Upvote
  • URL
  • Usain Bolt
  • Ukelele Strum
  • Underbite
  • Unibrow
  • Upchuck
  • Uvula
  • Ugly Duckling
  • Uke

Top Cat Names That Start With U With Meaning

  • Ulysses – “Wrathful” in Greek, a name for a strong, adventurous cat.
  • Uma – Means “tranquility” in Sanskrit, perfect for a calm and serene cat.
  • Umberto – Italian for “renowned warrior”, suitable for a brave cat.
  • Unity – Signifies togetherness, ideal for a cat that brings the family together.
  • Uno – Means “one” in Italian and Spanish, fitting for a cat that’s number one in your heart.
  • Ursula – Latin for “little bear”, suitable for a cute, cuddly cat.
  • Usher – For a cat that leads the way.
  • Utah – After the state, for a cat with a pioneering spirit.
  • Utopia – For a cat that represents a romantic, perfect world.
  • Umi – Means “life” in Arabic, perfect for a lively cat.
  • Ulrich – German for “noble leader”, fitting for a dignified cat.
  • Ursa – Latin for “bear”, for a cat with a strong presence.
  • Ulyana – Russian for “youthful”, ideal for a forever young-at-heart cat.
  • Ulani – Means “cheerful” in Hawaiian, perfect for a happy, spirited cat.
  • Uriel – Hebrew for “God is my light”, for a cat that brightens up your life.


We hope this list of cat names that start with “U” has inspired you and helped you find the perfect name for your furry friend.

Remember, the name you choose is a reflection of your cat’s unique personality and charm.

Stay Connected With NamesHaven For More Ideas!

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