330+ Sad And Heartbreak Playlist Names

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Life can be tough. Sometimes, the world throws you a curveball that leaves your heart broken. That’s when you need some music to match your mood.

But before starting your musical session, there’s one step required: naming your playlist. Choosing the right name for a sad playlist isn’t just about slapping on a random song title.

In this blog post, we’ve collected 300+ Heartbreak and Sad playlist Names. Whether you’re going through a breakup, feeling lonely, or just need a good cry, these playlist names will perfectly capture your emotions.

So, let’s explore the list.

Best Sad Playlist Names

  • Heartache Hues
  • Melancholy Moods
  • Sorrowful Sonatas
  • Bleak Beats
  • Gloomy Grooves
  • Tearful Tunes
  • Desolate Dreams
  • Lonesome Lyrics
  • Dismal Days
  • Wistful Waves
  • Somber Sounds
  • Morose Melodies
  • Crestfallen Chords
  • Blue Ballads
  • Pensive Playlists
  • Rainy Reflections
  • Aching Anthems
  • Twilight Tears
  • Midnight Mournings
  • Forsaken Feelings
  • Bittersweet Ballads
  • Solitude Serenades
  • Nostalgic Notes
  • Shadowy Songs
  • Silent Sighs
  • Farewell Frequencies
  • Regretful Rhythms
  • Broken Bridges
  • Whispering Winds
  • Fallen Feathers
Cute Sad Playlist Names

Cute Sad Playlist Names

  • Pouty Playlists
  • Teary-eyed Tunes
  • Bummer Beats
  • Sniffle Songs
  • Sobby Stories
  • Mopey Melodies
  • Gloomy Giggles
  • Whimpering Whispers
  • Doleful Ditties
  • Frowny Faces
  • Sullen Serenades
  • Blue Bubbles
  • Cloudy Cuddles
  • Raindrop Rhythms
  • Misty-eyed Music
  • Puppy Pouts
  • Dreary Doodles
  • Sad Sprinkles
  • Weepy Waves
  • Heartbreak Hugs
  • Sighing Skies
  • Moody Meows
  • Grieving Glitters
  • Wistful Whiskers
  • Tear-trickled Tracks
  • Lamenting Lullabies
  • Sobbing Sparkles
  • Downcast Dances
  • Woeful Winks
  • Melancholic Munchies
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Cool Sad Playlist Names

  • Noir Notes
  • Eclipse Echoes
  • Frostbite Frequencies
  • Phantom Phrases
  • Arctic Anthems
  • Shadow Sprints
  • Twilight Tracks
  • Ghostly Grooves
  • Vapor Vibes
  • Bleak Beats
  • Chill Chords
  • Dusk Duets
  • Misty Mixes
  • Stormy Sessions
  • Ice-cold Intervals
  • Darkwave Dialogues
  • Moonlit Melancholy
  • Stellar Sighs
  • Nebula Notes
  • Polar Playlists
  • Cosmic Cries
  • Void Vibes
  • Winter Whispers
  • Nightfall Nuances
  • Aurora Auras
  • Blackout Ballads
  • Celestial Cries
  • Frosty Frequencies
  • Gloom Glitches
  • Silent Storms
Funny Sad Playlist Names

Funny Sad Playlist Names

  • Cry Me a Riverdance
  • Sob Story Soundtrack
  • Boo-Hoo Boogies
  • Tears for Beers
  • Gloom Tunes Looney
  • Weepin’ to the Oldies
  • Mope Opera
  • Bawl and Order
  • Sniffle Cinema
  • Downer Ditties
  • Glum Gum Jams
  • Sorrowful Shenanigans
  • Wail Tales
  • Sigh-Fi Hits
  • Melancholy Mirth
  • Tearjerker Jokers
  • Blues Clues Spoofs
  • Sob Sob Samba
  • Bitter Laughter Ballads
  • Whine & Rhyme
  • Sad But Rad
  • Crying Capers
  • Mournful Mockeries
  • Grief Relief
  • Tear Drops & Tickles
  • Lamentable Laughs
  • Depresso Espresso Tunes
  • Chuckle Chords
  • Snivel Snickers
  • Morose but Amusing

Heartbreak Sad Playlist Names

  • Echoes of Solitude
  • Shades of Blue
  • Rainy Day Resonance
  • Embrace the Silence
  • Under the Grey Sky
  • Twilight Whispers
  • Drowning in Thoughts
  • Shattered Serenity
  • Lost in the Echo
  • Fading Memories
  • Quiet Despair
  • Veil of Tears
  • Broken Harmony
  • Whispered Sorrows
  • Drifting Apart
  • Unspoken Words
  • Melancholic Mirage
  • Shadowed Paths
  • Haunted Melodies
  • Solitary Soul
  • Withering Wishes
  • Silence Speaks
  • Bleeding Hearts
  • Forgotten Dreams
  • Misty Mourning
  • Desolate Echoes
  • Eternal Twilight
  • Nostalgic Nightfall
  • Somber Soliloquy
  • Waning Moonlight
Sad Songs Playlist Names

Sad Songs Playlist Names

  • Weeping Willows
  • Raindrops on Roses
  • Sorrow’s Symphony
  • Melodies of Misery
  • Lullabies of Loss
  • Echoes of Emptiness
  • Tears in Tune
  • Heartache Harmony
  • Gloomy Guitars
  • Ballads of the Blue
  • Despair Duets
  • Mourning Melodies
  • Solace in Songs
  • Crying Chords
  • Bittersweet Ballads
  • Remnants of Regret
  • Serenades of Sadness
  • Wistful Whispers
  • Grief’s Playlist
  • Dolorous Ditties
  • Melancholy Music Box
  • Sighing Strings
  • Blues in Bloom
  • Tunes of Turmoil
  • Reflections in Rhythm
  • Sombre Soundscapes
  • Elegies of Elation
  • Mournful Motifs
  • Riffs of Reminiscence
  • Lamenting Lyrics
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Aesthetic Sad Playlist Names

  • Midnight Musings
  • Wilted Roses
  • Vintage Sighs
  • Sepia Sorrows
  • Pastel Pains
  • Ethereal Elegies
  • Dreamy Despair
  • Soft Shadows
  • Golden Gloom
  • Rustic Regrets
  • Hazy Heartaches
  • Velvet Voids
  • Whispering Willows
  • Faded Fantasies
  • Crystal Cries
  • Antique Aches
  • Moody Moons
  • Celestial Sorrows
  • Sapphire Sighs
  • Ivory Illusions
  • Gossamer Grief
  • Tarnished Tunes
  • Porcelain Pain
  • Luminous Lament
  • Cobwebbed Chords
  • Silver Silhouettes
  • Dusky Dreams
  • Murmuring Mists
  • Enchanted Evening
  • Whispered Woes
Sad Heartbreak Playlist Names

Sad Heartbreak Playlist Names

  • Love’s Lament
  • Shards of the Heart
  • Goodbye Glances
  • Parting Pains
  • Unraveling Us
  • Echoes of Goodbye
  • Wounds of Wanting
  • Broken Bonds
  • Farewell’s Melody
  • Love Lost
  • Shattered Promises
  • Tears of Eros
  • Bleeding Love
  • Endless Ache
  • Fractured Feelings
  • Vanishing Vows
  • Departing Desires
  • Love in Ruins
  • Phantom Feelings
  • Unending Hearts
  • Rifts and Regrets
  • Eclipsed Emotions
  • Severed Ties
  • Bitter Endings
  • Love’s Eclipse
  • Remorseful Remnants
  • Forsaken Affections
  • Torn by Time
  • Fading Flames
  • Love’s Aftermath
Sad Playlist Names for Girls

Sad Playlist Names For Girls

  • Siren’s Sighs
  • Petal’s Despair
  • Maiden’s Melancholy
  • Whispered Wishes
  • Damsel’s Dolor
  • Luna’s Lament
  • Venus’ Veil
  • Blossom’s Blues
  • Seraphim’s Silence
  • Aurora’s Ache
  • Celestia’s Cry
  • Rosalind’s Regrets
  • Juliet’s Journeys
  • Ophelia’s Ocean
  • Persephone’s Pain
  • Iris’ Illusions
  • Flora’s Farewell
  • Willow’s Woe
  • Sapphire’s Solitude
  • Ember’s Echoes
  • Dahlia’s Dusk
  • Luna’s Last Lullaby
  • Serenity’s Shadow
  • Primrose’s Parting
  • Aurora’s Absence
  • Carmen’s Coldness
  • Belle’s Burden
  • Diana’s Descent
  • Eve’s Elegy
  • Giselle’s Goodbye
Sad Playlist Names for Boys

Sad Playlist Names For Boys

  • Knight’s Kneel
  • Atlas’ Ailment
  • Orion’s Outcry
  • Drake’s Drought
  • Titan’s Tears
  • Hunter’s Heartbreak
  • Maverick’s Melancholy
  • Phoenix’s Fall
  • Archer’s Anguish
  • Leon’s Lonesomeness
  • Dante’s Dilemma
  • Apollo’s Agony
  • Jasper’s Journey
  • Griffin’s Grief
  • Mariner’s Misery
  • Zephyr’s Zenith
  • Raven’s Remorse
  • Storm’s Sorrow
  • Wolf’s Wandering
  • Silas’ Silence
  • Thor’s Threnody
  • Odin’s Omission
  • Loki’s Lament
  • Caleb’s Cold Comfort
  • Damon’s Desolation
  • Felix’s Fading
  • Gabriel’s Gale
  • Hector’s Haunting
  • Ivan’s Isolation
  • Julian’s Jilt
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Unique Sad Playlist Names

  • Eclipsed Elegies
  • Phantom’s Parade
  • Solstice’s Sorrow
  • Nebula’s Nostalgia
  • Twilight’s Testament
  • Quasar’s Quiet
  • Zephyr’s Zest
  • Waning Wishes
  • Crescent’s Cry
  • Dusk’s Domain
  • Frost’s Farewell
  • Mirage’s Mourning
  • Nexus of Numbness
  • Oblivion’s Overture
  • Prism’s Pain
  • Quiver’s Quell
  • Rift’s Reminiscence
  • Stellar’s Solace
  • Tidal’s Torment
  • Umbra’s Unfolding
  • Vortex’s Void
  • Whisper’s Wane
  • Xenon’s Xylophone
  • Yearning’s Yarn
  • Zenith’s Zero
  • Aurora’s Abyss
  • Boreal’s Breath
  • Celestial’s Cry
  • Drifter’s Dream
  • Ethereal’s Exhale


We have explored over 330 names collection we hope you will find the perfect name for your next playlist.

So, take your time to choose a name that speaks to your heart and soul, and let the music guide you through your emotional journey.

Stay Connected With NamesHaven For More Ideas!

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